At Large Chairperson Billy Pace
Buildings and Grounds Chairperson Dennis Morgan
Choir Chairperson Michele Wilson
Join US! The choir meets on Wednesday at 6:30pm in the church sanctuary. The Choir Director is Mrs. Michelle Wilson, and the organists are Michele Wilson & Julia McCalip. We invite everyone to join us. In the words of Rev. Oliver Wilson, "the woods would have little music if no birds sang except those who sang best."
Communications Chairperson Pat Bronner
Cursillo Group Contact the office
Family Life Chairperson Aracely Castillo
Finance Board Chairperson - Richard Paladino
Members: Lisa Patterson, Vicky Richardson, Sherrie Gill, Bruce Balsama
Hispanic Community Integrator Chairperson Eduvena Ruiz co-chair Ramona Elizabeth Mejia
Hospitality and Outreach Chairperson Delia Colbert
Knights of Columbus Grand Knight - Jacob Peavey
The Knights of Columbus meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Memorial Hall at 6:30pm
The Knights of Columbus council, St. Raphael, was formed in January, 2000 with 30 charter members.
The council has continued to grow from that number.
The Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their church. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works. The main charity supported by the Knights of Columbus is the M.R. Foundation and other charities dealing with mental health. Local charities include the Association of Retarded Citizens, Literacy Council, and the Skills Development Center.
Parish Council Chairman Olin Yancy
Prayer Line If you or someone you know is in need of prayers, or if you are interested in being a part of the prayer line, please contact Pat Bronner
Religious Education and Formation Chairperson Patty Wright
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Chairperson Richard Paladino - Contact the church office
Do you know of persons interested in knowing more about the faith of the Catholic Church and what we believe and teach, or who may potentially be interested in the process of becoming a member of the Catholic Church? The RCIA is for those who are not Baptized, those Baptized in other Christian Churches, as well as Catholics wishing to complete their initiation (Confirmation), or those Catholics wishing to know more about the Catholic faith. RCIA brochures containing information and points of contact are available in the vestibule. Invite that friend who may have expressed an interest in the Catholic faith.
Social Action Chairperson Lettie Buchanan. For more information contact the church office
St. Anthony Women’s Altar & Rosary Society Chairperson Julie West-Troy, co-chairs: Mary Frances Jones & Mary Frame
Women's Guild Chairperson Phyllis Holt - All women of the parish are invited to join us once a month to play Bunco. We also invite you to help us twice a year with our bake sale.
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